life, love,art. heart failure and assorted ramblings

life, love,art. heart failure and assorted ramblings

Don't Talk Like That...

I write to find out what my heart thinks....
I am here to celebrate my life, to uncover my fears, to hold on to love, to grieve my losses, to laugh long and hard, and to learn how to live a full magnificent life with heart failure. I am honoring my creativity, and exploring all of my emotions out loud ...before anyone can say....."Don't talk like that!"



Tuesday, October 20, 2015

They were taking bets all over town otherwise!

I know I must be driving everyone crazy with wedding pictures......

I promise I will not be so obnoxious much longer, but there were one or two really wonderful moments, and I was so happy that they were caught!

These 3 wonderful women and I have been friends since high school (and 2 of them since kindergarten) How often does that happen? All of us obnoxious teenage hell raisers in the early 70's, but all of us managed to become responsible women, (.....well kind of) although I know a bunch f people in town that were taking bets otherwise!

"Best Friends"  Jason Mraz

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