life, love,art. heart failure and assorted ramblings

life, love,art. heart failure and assorted ramblings

Don't Talk Like That...

I write to find out what my heart thinks....
I am here to celebrate my life, to uncover my fears, to hold on to love, to grieve my losses, to laugh long and hard, and to learn how to live a full magnificent life with heart failure. I am honoring my creativity, and exploring all of my emotions out loud ...before anyone can say....."Don't talk like that!"



Friday, September 25, 2015

Fear is sinister!

Where have I been?  I know this!  But could not apply is to my life, the heart surgery and the heinous waiting I am doing now, waiting to find out if there was or will be any improvement!  Fear has quite literally eaten me alive!  “Fear hates uncertain outcome” whew…… I am engaged in the biggest uncertain outcome of my life….no wonder life has been so weird and I have felt so unlike me.  I know and have known for the best part of my life how damaging fear is.  It has been so important for me to know that I had it tattooed on my foot thinking it would be a constant reminder, not to let fear grab hold of me.  But fear is sinister, it takes vigilance!  So now I need to get creative and deal with it!
"Change the World"  Eric Clapton

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