life, love,art. heart failure and assorted ramblings

life, love,art. heart failure and assorted ramblings

Don't Talk Like That...

I write to find out what my heart thinks....
I am here to celebrate my life, to uncover my fears, to hold on to love, to grieve my losses, to laugh long and hard, and to learn how to live a full magnificent life with heart failure. I am honoring my creativity, and exploring all of my emotions out loud ...before anyone can say....."Don't talk like that!"



Friday, January 22, 2016

The Retrograde RANT....

If I were Jewish I would be holding the back of my hand to my forehead bellowing “Oy-vey... what a day!”  I did not make it to the art center board meeting this afternoon, instead I had a memorable ride in a tow truck. The tow truck expense is mercifully covered by the roadside assistance part of my car insurance, the repairs I am afraid will not.....AND there is more, upon arriving back home I find out that our automatically drafted mortgage payment was declined, they say the bank account had been closed….ARE YOU KIDDING ME….that account has been open since 1979, (I maybe close to holding a record somewhere for the longest open bank account!) and since 2002 they have successfully drafted 168+ consecutive mortgage payments! One and a half hours on the phone and the mortgage co. still insists it is the bank’s fault and, of course...yes... you knew it..... the bank claims it is the mortgage company’s fault.  This all comes on the heels of my marvelous DMV adventure to attend to another colossal screw up that I had no responsibility in creating. The common thread through each of these, is I did everything required of me.  I dotted my I’s crossed my T’s on time with the correct amount of money and account numbers , The error that created the problem is clearly not mine. But the expectations are that I locate and repair their errors! Crap...I can barely keep up with screw ups I make on my own and I AM responsible for. When did the errors of large companies, become the customers responsibility to track down, prove and correct?  I have spent hours on the phone and in DMV waiting lines tying to fix errors someone else made without the benefit of their computers and logical customer service. I will not be receiving a paycheck for my time from Wells Fargo, Regions Mortgage or the Florida DMV....In fact Regions Mortgage and Florida DMV had the unbelievable moxy to tell me with a smile, that they were not charging ME extra fees or late charges!  AGAIN....ARE YOU KIDDING ME????

I was told these things might happen after all “Mercury is in retrograde”. I do not know who I should see about sending that stinking retrograding somewhere else besides all over me!  If there is any silver lining  the  tid-bit of good news, has to be if “shit” truly comes in 3’s…I should be done!

"You Might Die Trying"  Dave Matthews


  1. I thought only I had days like this...that Murphy had me in mind when he wrote his law...

  2. I thought only I had days like this...that Murphy had me in mind when he wrote his law...
