I truly hate what is happening in our current government, but I am thrilled to see the level of public involvement and civil disobedience erupting. But I still see so many just agree, keep the peace, or not speak out for the purpose of being liked or to conform with friends and family! It is one thing to speak your truth, fight for what you believe and still loose…it happens to all of us from time to time. But to be silent risks that I will not like myself when it is all done. I am honorable, I pay attention and I speak up…I still believe what Lincoln said….. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." I may not discuss it publicly or blast it on FB but I continue to have discussions with those I share common views with. I continue to write my senators and congressmen and women. I believe we the people can truly make a difference and advance good government.
"Hand in My Pocket" Alanis Morissette