I cannot imagine any image being more appropriate! How does he continue to get away with it???
No tax returns, over 3000 lawsuits (and he shouts “lock her up”), he is a name
calling bully (my children had their mouths washed out with soap for
that). This list can go on and on and
on, but the mystery for me continues to be He disregards and disrespects anything that threatens his ability to win. “How does he get away with it?”
Has the “dumbing down” of America finally reached the place
where this kind of behavior and activity has become acceptable?
"NO" Meghan Trainor
Cheryl, it is so sad. What have we as a nation come to? I totally agree. I promised myself I would only post positive thoughts on my FB page, but it is getting harder and harder. I am truly disappointed to find out which of my "friends" believe in "he who shall remain nameless". I didn't realize how many bigots and hateful people there are.