life, love,art. heart failure and assorted ramblings

life, love,art. heart failure and assorted ramblings

Don't Talk Like That...

I write to find out what my heart thinks....
I am here to celebrate my life, to uncover my fears, to hold on to love, to grieve my losses, to laugh long and hard, and to learn how to live a full magnificent life with heart failure. I am honoring my creativity, and exploring all of my emotions out loud ...before anyone can say....."Don't talk like that!"



Saturday, March 14, 2020

Sneak Attacks!

Just about the time I feel like I am getting a grip on this, it took just a silly email ad to take me down.  And it was an ad for the “Orlando Eye”, you know that giant Ferris Wheel on I-Drive. It reminded me of Skip and me and our “anti-fear” campaign!  Ed had given me a good talking to about how to handle “fear”.  Not allowing heart failure it to take over my life, because it can and will, if I do not recognize it and handle the fear.I decided the first fear tackling exercise would be to ride this thing.  Heights scare the hooey out of me! Skip and I took a 30-minute sunset turn in a private car, with “fear fighting” champagne and chocolate.  Somewhere between the teeth mashing, drinking and Skip laughing at me, I did enjoy it and it was a wonderful spectacle.

It took that one lousy ad to ignite the memory and bring on a fledge meltdown…and I wonder if I will always susceptible to these grief sneak attacks.

“Only being able to cry when you're alone is perfectly normal in grief. We'll never stop saying it: There is no one 'right' way to grieve. Grief looks like a lot of different things. When it comes to crying, some people cry all the time, some only cry when they're alone, some never cry at all, and then there's a vast in-between. Every expression of grief is valid. Grief is as individual as love. Every life, every path, is unique.” ~Megan Devine

"Memories" Maroon 5

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