“Pain is not redeemed by art.
When we separate the creative process from a need to
solve or fix things, it becomes an ally.”
~Megan Devine
It is a difficult process to understand! I know!
Our society is filled with the myth that pain is the purveyor of
creativity and even I must confess that without Picasso’s pain we would not
have “Guernica”. So, there are rare examples
of that happening. But I think it is
important to say that having a creative outlet does not lessen the pain. It does, however, give me another outlet for
expressing it. It also gives me a chance to move forward. Just like my writing, once the work is out in
the world it is no longer residing in my heart and soul. In my opinion, this is one place where we
collectively screw up grief. Grief
really does need to be expressed in whatever way you need to get it out of
your body. The loss will never ever leave
me, but the grief can be expressed. It was 7 months ago today that I lost you
and I still have not figured it out. The
best part of our life together was surrounded by art. It has been difficult to
reclaim that joy without having you here to share it with me. The only thing I
know for sure is that your love and my art is still here.

"Art" Tanya Davis
I wondered
what would be the worth of my words in the world
if i write
them and then recite them are they worth being heard
just because
i like them does that mean i should mic them
and see what
might unfurl
i think of
the significance of my opinions here
is it
significant to be giving them does anybody care
just because
i'm into this does that mean i should live like it
and really
do i dare
art, art i
want you
art you make
it pretty hard not too
and my heart
is trying hard here to follow you
but i can't
always tell if i ought to
so i
pondered the point of my art in this life
if i make it
will someone take it and think it's genuine
will they be
glad that i did 'cause they got something good out of it
will they
leave me and be any more inspired
i question
the outcome of the outpouring of myself
if i tell
everyone my stories will this keep me healthy and well
will it give
me purpose, to this world some sort of service
is it worth
it, how can i tell
art, art...